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Hack Clubbers focus on one thing: shipping.

After building a project, like an app or website, “shipping” is publishing & sharing it online.

Your first ship your first day.

Students in many traditional computer science classes are lucky to make a single project. At Hack Clubs, every member makes & ships their first website their very first meeting.

Keeping your eyes on the prize.

Instead of learning programming concepts in isolation, learning by shipping means you focus on what you need to build real projects. It’s more fun & leads to better learning.

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🚢 Mini Ship for #15-days-in-public! 🚢 Over the past 15 days I built royale a (janky) text based adventure game! This was super fun and is written in python! It was made over nights and weekends of my free time and in CS class when I was bored! It includes a map generated using Prim's algorithm to make a unique map and focuses a lot on customizability (the whole game is written in a single friendly dictionary for you to edit to make your own game!) You can play it here:

finished #15-days-in-public and ade an mvp of Hack Hour Extention so i made my first ship most features are now actually broken idk why spent a lot of time on #forge-dev we alos now have a name Forge!!!! pretty cool stuff tommorrow i finish the software and start my common app essay questions also volunteered at a robotics program today

Day 15 of #15-days-in-public: I gave end times to my events, adjusted some spacing, and set the week to the actual week of HacKnight. Below will be my "ship" for #15-days-in-public: During #15-days-in-public, I worked on my #cider project, an app that makes it easier for participants to engage and get the latest information for a hackathon. Right now, to make development easier, I'm developing it as if it's specifically an app for #hacknight, but in the future, hackathon organizers would be able to create their own hackathon with their own participants. Due to a busy schedule, I haven't finished a lot of the features I have wanted to yet. Check out the README on the GitHub for a little more details. In its current state, you can create an account and log in, and you can view the schedule. The schedule will change depending on the actual time and highlight any current events happening right now.

ship day for #15-days-in-public! Today i'm releasing my app publicly with an invite link! You can add images to the app and it will sort them and automaticaly tag them and give them titles with google gemini; if you need help getting a gemini key plz dm me also if you want to try the cloud features then also dm me and i'll give you a token you enter in the app to use the cloud search vector db feature; if you notice any issue plz again dm me or post about it in #the-wild-ramblings-of-kieran and i'll be sure to get to it!

Ever tired of your floating fish food floating around too much? I 3d modeled a floating fish feeding portal! (And made a tutorial for anyone who wants to as well) Also learned how people make folders and READMEs in GitHub and it was fun!

#ship Finally completed my 10 arduino projects. Been working on them for the last 5 days. Have not uploaded the schematics and images yet but have uploaded the code on a github repository. Here is a link of the repository:

First ever experience of modding a unity game! Used dnSpy to decompile the code, edited it and recompiled. Amazing experience. Learnt how to add/replace textures, models, materials, etc. The game I was modding was A Difficult Game About Climbing. I have replaced the ship at the background at the start area, changed the material of the cover cloth and added a completely new flag gameobject with colliders and ability to climb it.

Day 2: I finally finished building my pcb for an esp32 display. It's compact, and should work. I will order it today, and post on #ship when it arrives. Crossing my fingers it works beacuse it's $150 CAD. This was part of #arcade.

Since my last update, I did a few things: • Worked on my desktop-transferred version of the raycaster to make it multithreaded and rendered a really nice 1080p image to finish the book. This is still the exact same raycasting code from the calculator but modified to run in one process per thread and merge the images in the end. I tried to mimic the ending scene they have in the book. This is the first image attached. • Worked on my calculator version to make it progressively render images so I can pause it at any time and have a nice-looking image. I thought this would be simple -- store the accumulated color of every pixel in a list, add to it, and divide by the total samples each pass. However, the restricted environment I'm working with is starting to show. It turns out that Python code is only allowed an extremely small amount of memory -- around 20KB from my testing. This meant that, no matter how I stored the data (unless there's some magical way to losslessly and efficiently store a color per pixel that I'm unaware of), it ended up being a tradeoff of either rendering at full resolution and not using this new feature or rendering at quarter resolution. Overnight, I did a quarter-resolution render, and I'll probably go back and do a full-resolution one without the new progressive system. However, the quarter-resolution render still looks great! It intentionally has a pretty aggressive depth-of-field, so the blurred left and right spheres are expected. It's cool that stuff like this can be done on a calculator (and programmed on a calculator)! The second image is a screenshot through my fixed libnspire and the third is the same image on the calculator's screen. I've been doing a scrapbook post for every hack session (and often doing work without a hack session), so I misunderstood the proper flow there... However, consider this my true "ship" of this project idea. I'll probably keep adding to it with concepts from the later books, but I also have some other projects I'm excited to work on!

#arcade almost ready to ship!

:arcade:#arcade is awesome, but amidst the focus of :cat_typing: typing, I lose track of time. I can't be the only one who forgets to start a new session after an hour, losing those precious 🎟️ As someone who spend 80% of their time coding on vs code (the other 19% are on stackoverflow), something right in the editor would be awesome :thinkies: So, I spent the past 3 hours and made ✨ Arcade VSC :partyparrot: It's a vs code extension that brings the arcade timer right to your editor! Setup is sooo simple, you only need your slack id. Being my first vs code extension, I was impressed with how easy the editor's api was to use! I'll be using my extension over the summer. You should give it a try too! :D 👇

Day 11: Today was a good day! I implemented the heat system for my game: modules will generate and disperse heat throughout the ship until it (hopefully) reaches a radiator/heatsink. There was a lot of heat/temperature/q = mcΔT fun stuff that had to be dealt with, which brought back some ~delightful~ thermodynamic memories from not-so-long-ago. Since there's not a good visual way to see if the system works right now, I'll probably work on the heat UI next.

Day 10: Today was an uneventful day mainly filled with travel. I did some work on heat generation/dispersion for ship systems, and also wrote a few more of the weapon infocards (sprites coming soon!™)

:sahiti-watches-sword: :shipitparrot: personal website ship incoming :sahiti-watches-sword: :shipitparrot: i've just made the official v2 of my personal website! final site can be found: :goose-honk-right: (bye-bye the entire site took around 15ish hours to make (i re-coded the entire thing 3 times, if you've been following along in #scrapbook) i am so so happy with how it looks, and also with how much i learned by myself to code this website with next.js :nextjs: and tailwind :tailwind: (the best languages, don't tell me otherwise). and yes, before you ask @sarthak it IS mobile friendly :) some of my fav parts of site: • click & draggable tooltip feature on description wording • animated icons on hover • click on da boat :paper-boat: for a surprise 🔗 site: <|> :figma: figma designs: :githubparrot: github: thank you @sarthak_,_ @zoyashussain_,_ @RyanDu-U04QM0MH6TV_,_ #hack-hour and everyone else who helped me with design iterations through this wild wild process.

you know what they say... those who can, do. but those who can't come up with original ideas and have mild ocd, redesign their personal websites over and over!! 🚢 I'm shipping my new personal website, and this one's my favorite design yet. I took my time with this one, designing it on figma first and building it up over a month's time. The transitions are made with framer motion and the project thumbnails are made with canva. There's a bunch of easter eggs and hidden references on there, and many more to come—let me know how I did! deployed here &gt;&gt; github here &gt;&gt;

Day 8: Today I worked on the Defense screen and cleaned up the UI in general. Wrangling the UI is getting a bit tiring, though, so I think that I'll get into ship components/weapons tomorrow.

#hcb scrubber ship! I made a program that goes through gh issues and detects whether there is potential personal information contained within; it is split into two parts: the typescript front end which fetches the issues and keeps track of which ones are clean and a python flask backed to allow me to use the spacy package to detect pii; it also allows you to open the potential issues after sorting them

Day 4: Finally got Unity up and running (if you can call it running) on my Mac. I was so happy that Unity cooperated that I just made a basic ship script and spent the rest of the time veering it around the solar system. You can see it in a really eccentric orbit around the Green Planet:

very delinquent almost ship for #hack-hour; ive been editing a ton for my youtube video of my #frc competition; not quite ready but hopefully it will be soon

🍎 cider ship! I made a mvp of my app Scaffold for #cider and #hack-hour and this is my final ship! Currently its a bit limited in its functionality but you can import images and have gemini describe them and delete added images! If you would like to try it / download it for future updates then you can do so by entering the code: {still building; i'm waiting on an api key but will update this once i get it} in testflight on ios

Last minute ship for #hack-hour! I thought it would be fun to make a small diary cli where you add daily notes kind of like a twitter thread. It's already a quite powerful small tool, I've added a lot of configuration options for templating and such.

#hack-hour illuminate hackathon ship! 267+ people compete in this hackathon! #illuminate

For the last three months, me and 2 friends have been working on an interactive planetarium show as part of our final XR Design assessment. Now that it's complete, I'd like to present......... THE BLACK DOME! The Black Dome is a short animated planetarium show where Fleeb, a teacher, takes his class back to 1348 - when the Black Death arrived in England. The interactive part of this is a website where the audience get to vote on what they want Fleeb to talk about. Here's a video showcase. The first 2 and a bit minutes you can see the project in action in a simulated dome. The remaining time is us breaking down the project and discussing different aspects of it. We were unfortunately not able to get the voice lines we recorded in before our deadline but they'll be coming to an update soon. This project has been so fun to work on, but so exhausting too! Some tech used: Blender, Unity, C#, websockets, Bun, Express, will power & plot armour Until next time, live laugh & love Fleeb!

Did more work on my programming language today. I ~totally rewrote the lexer to change the way non-word characters are handled, and added multi-character symbols and unary and ambiguous operators. I'm down to this pretty doable todo list for tomorrow, hopefully then i can clean up the syntax and ship tomorrow!

These are just a few posts…

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